Johns Hopkins Further Insults America’s Veterans With Their Response! What Are They Hiding?
By WFWP Admin / May 05, 2017 / News
The Weed for Warriors Project received the following letter from Johns Hopkins in response to our two letters to President Daniels linked below.
Johns Hopkins Response May 5th, 2017 response to,
WFWP May 1st Letter to Johns Hopkins’ President Daniels , &
WFWP March 27th Letter to Johns Hopkins’ President Daniels
We fail to see a serious attempt to open a dialogue or answer a single question we poised in our letters. Not only is this letter insulting, it reeks of the very dismissive non serious attitude with regard to our health that we encounter across this country daily.
Shame on Johns Hopkins. Time to stand up and say NO MORE!
Tagged Topics: Brandon Wyatt, Johns Hopkins, MAPS, Overdose, Overdoses, Pharmaceuticals, PTSD, Rick Doblin, Ryan Vandry, Sean Kiernan, Suicide, Sus Sisley, The Weed for Warriors Project, Veterans, W4WP, Weed 4 Warriors, Weed for Warriros, WFWP
Cleveland Clinic has done zero research on Cannabis and or Canabanoids to prove or disprove their words.Why would any so called Top Hospital or a clinic on a corner in any small town for that matter spew,spin,and right out lie about a substance we have known well for at least 12,000 years unless they are all getting Kickbacks from Big Pharma? I worked as a nurse as well as a lab tech for30 yrs.and I know how the Drug Reps.operate and the deals they make with weak Phisicians.Years ago they use to bring little games made of wood and ink pens as well as boxes of donuts and or 6-7 pizzas but that looked too obvious so now they offer family cruises all paid of course,along with other incentives that makes it hard for some physicians to just say no! If you want to know the truth,follow the money and gifts and I’ll bet you will then understand why Cleveland Clinic is throwing a child’s temper tantrum.Bad portraits of dead Presidents stamped on green paper along with plastic cards with quantum numbers on it trumps human life…Always Has!!!
[…] A series of emails between the lead researcher from Hopkins and Weed for Warriors indicate that the researcher had questions about MAPS ability to conduct the study. On May 5, Weed for Warriors responded with a post on its website titled “Johns Hopkins Further Insults America’s Veterans With Their Response! What Are They Hiding?” […]
I am a Viet Nam vet and living proof that cannabis is the best medicine for P.T.S.D . Have been using it for 40 years.
We need to have a protest in Denver!!! There’s lots of Vets here that will show up for the cause.
I am a disabled vet. I have very bad back and neck problems. I fell two floors onto a steel deck and have had an I-beam dropped on me. I was using oxycodone and Fentanyl patch. I was nauseous and vomiting every day. I started smoking medical cannabis and was able to get rid of both of these. My blood pressure is better and I feel more at ease. I still have some of the pain, but I definitely do feel a lot better and more aware with the cannabis than I did with the opiates.